Refresh + Replenish guide








Consistency is key when it comes to taking supplements.

To stay on track, prepare pill containers over the weekend following your dosage plan. ​Use alarms on your phone as reminders.

Keep everything visible and easily accessible to help you remember.

SLIM can be taken in the morning and/or afternoon.

HUNGER CONTROL SLIM mixes best with room temp water in a shaker bottle, if using ​a water bottle, drink a few ounces before pouring slim into the bottle.

Add ice after you shake it, if desired.

Active and hydrate can be mixed with SLIM.

Active is a healthy ENERGY drink, so make sure to drink it before 2pm when you start ​so you can gauge your energy levels and not disrupt your sleep pattern. You can ​adjust to your schedule.

If you are taking thyroid medication, verify with your doctor how long your should ​space out supplements from your medications. Otherwise it is reccomended that you ​space your products 3-4 hours after your thyroid medicine.


YOU SHOULD BE DRINKING HALF YOUR BODY WEIGHT IN OZ ​EVERY DAY! Water is crucial to flushing out toxins from your ​body! Work up to this if you need to and keep track!

WATER TIP: Get a water bottle clearly marked with ounces on ​the outside. One with a straw really helps too. Figure out your ​oz and how many water bottles you need to drink each day.Set ​time goals for each!

Notes :

Stay in contact with the person who got you started

Get registered for pivotal

Stay consistent, remember why you started!